Embracing the LORD | Encouraging the Saints | Enveloping the World

Category: Announcements

Easter Outreach to Community

Hi Church Family,

The Women on Mission have put together a kit for Easter that you can share with your neighborhood.  If you would like to participate, please see all the info. below.

Easter Outreach to Community

Take part in an Easter outreach to your neighborhood by leaving Easter baskets on their doorsteps Easter morning.

Take a “kit” to make and add the goodies to “tell everybody Jesus is alive”!

Please take one kit only. Each kit has instructions, bags and bookmarks. You will need to obtain plastic Easter eggs, candy or toys and Easter “grass”.

Sponsored by Women on Mission


  1. Assemble your materials
  2. Paper bags
  3. Easter grass
  4. Plastic Easter eggs
  5. Candy and/or toys
  6. Ribbon or string if desired
  7. Start by cutting 6” from top of paper bag
  8. Fold the top of bag down 2-3 rolls to create the sturdy brim of the basket
  9. You may decorate the brim with ribbon, string or color the brim as decoration as you desire.
  10. Add your Easter grass
  11. Fill your eggs with goodies
  12. Add toys if desired
  13. Add bookmark provided in kit (see attachment at the bottom of this email)
  14. Leave baskets anonymously on doorsteps on Easter morning
  15.       Feel free to take more bookmarks and buy more bags to expand your outreach to more than 10  


Sandy Flores

Ministry Assistant
Arbor Christian Fellowship
23302 El Toro Rd.
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Up Coming Events!


Join ACF for a Potluck Luncheon
Easter Egg Filling Event
March 27 @ 12Noon
To join the fun of filling eggs
please bring a bag of Easter candy or small toys.
Good food. Good fellowship

Join ACF for an Easter Extravaganza
Easter Egg Hunt
April 16, 11am –1:30pm
Community EVENT
Sign up to help
Tell everyone you know to come.
Tell the news! Jesus is Alive!!
Good food. Good fellowship. Good Fun.
Set up 8am. Take down until about 3pm
To help contact Liles Cobb 949-510-2095 or sign up.

Come join us! Sundays and Wednesdays!

Join Us Sunday Mornings Online at 10:45 am  for Worship Service! Wednesday Eve. Online at 6:30 pm for Prayer Lifters!

John 3:16 New King James Version (NKJV)
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


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